
Please visit ResearchGate for available pdfs. (*personnel under my supervision)


O’Dwyer, K.*, D. Milotic*, M. Milotic*, and J. Koprivnikar (2024). Behave yourself: effects of exogenous-glucocorticoid exposure on larval amphibian anti-parasite behaviour and physiology. Oecologia (

Thieltges, D.W., P.T.J. Johnson, A. van Leeuwen, and J. Koprivnikar (2024) Effects of predation risk on parasite–host interactions and wildlife diseases. Ecology: e4315 (read here)

Smith, T.R.*, and J. Koprivnikar (2024) Influences of compound age and identity in the effectiveness of insect quinone secretions against the fungus Beauveria bassiana. Parasitology Research 123: article 121 (read here)

Balsdon, M.K.C.*, and J. Koprivnikar (2024) Effects of microplastics and nanoplastics on host–parasite interactions in aquatic environments. Oecologia (


Smith, T.R.*, A. Tay*, and J. Koprivnikar (2023) Effects of insect host chemical secretions on the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae. Journal of Helminthology 97: E63 (doi:10.1017/S0022149X23000469)

Koprivnikar, J., D.W. Thieltges, and P.T.J. Johnson (2023) Consumption of trematode parasite infectious stages: from conceptual synthesis to future research agenda. Journal of Helminthology 97: E33 (

Durif, C.M.F., Arts, M., Bertolini, F., Cresci, A., Daverat, F., Karlsbakk, E., Koprivnikar, J., Moland, E., Olsen, E.M., Parzanini, C., and Power, M. (2023) The evolving story of catadromy in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). ICES Journal of Marine Science 80: 2253-2265. (


Phillips, J.A., J.S. Vargas-Soto, S. Pawar, J. Koprivnikar, D. Benesh, and P.K. Molnar (2022) The effects of phylogeny, habitat and host characteristics on the thermal sensitivity of helminth development. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences 289: 20211878 (

Koprivnikar, J. (2022) The enemy of my enemy is my friend: consumption of parasite infectious stages benefits hosts and predators depending on transmission mode. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 4-7 (


McDevitt-Galles, T, S.A. Carpenter, J. Koprivnikar, and P.T.J. Johnson (2021) How predator and parasite size interact to determine consumption of infectious stages. Oecologia:

J. Koprivnikar, A. Rochette, and M.R. Forbes (2021) Risk-induced trait responses and non-consumptive effects in plants and animals in response to their invertebrate herbivore and parasite natural enemies. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: (read here).

Parzanini, C., M.T. Arts, M. Rohtla, J. Koprivnikar, M. Power, A. Berit Skiftesvik, H.I. Browman, D. Milotic, and C.M.F. Durif (2021). Feeding habitat and silvering stage affect lipid content and fatty acid composition of European eel Anguilla anguilla tissues. Journal of Fish Biology:

Parzanini, C., M.T. Arts, M. Power, M. Rohtla, A. Berit Skiftesvik, J. Koprivnikar, H.I. Browman, D. Milotic, and C.M.F. Durif (2021). Trophic ecology of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) across different salinity habitats inferred from fatty acid and stable isotope analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences:

Babaran, D.*, J. Koprivnikar, C. Parzanini, and M.T. Arts (2021) Parasites and their freshwater snail hosts maintain their nutritional value for essential fatty acids despite altered algal diets. Oecologia: (read here).

Schultz, B.*, and J. Koprivnikar (2021) The contributions of a trematode parasite infectious stage to carbon cycling in a model freshwater system. Parasitology Research 120: 1743-1754 (

Johnson, P.T.J., D.M. Calhoun, W.E. Moss, T. McDevitt-Galles, T.B. Riepe, J.M. Hallas, T.L. Parchman, C.R. Feldman, T.J. Achatz, V.V. Tkach, J. Cropanzano, J. Bowerman, and J. Koprivnikar (2021) The cost of travel: how dispersal ability limits local adaptation in host‐parasite interactions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34: 512-524.


Babaran, D.*, M.T. Arts, R.J. Botelho, S.A. Locke, and J. Koprivnikar (2020) Prospective enzymes for omega-3 PUFA biosynthesis found in endoparasitic classes within the phylum Platyhelminthes. Journal of Helminthology 94: e212.

Gordy, M.A., J. Koprivnikar, B. McPhail, and P.C. Hanington (2020) Environmental and ecological factors driving trematode parasite community assembly in central Alberta lakes. International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 13: 283-291 (read here)

Milotic, D.*, M. Milotic*, and J. Koprivnikar (2020) Effects of road salt on a free-living trematode infectious stage. Journal of Helminthology 94: e150.

Frances, D.N., C.R. Fitzpatrick, J. Koprivnikar, and S.J. McCauley (2020) Effects of Inferred Gender on Patterns of Co-Authorship in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Publications. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America:

Rohonczy, J.L., Koprivnikar, J., Waltho, N. and S.A. Robinson (2020) The Effects of the Commercially Formulated Neonicotinoids Imidacloprid and Thiamethoxam on the Survival of Infectious Stages of Two Trematode Parasites. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231: article 125.

McKee, K.M*, J. Koprivnikar, P.T.J. Johnson, and M.T. Arts (2020) Parasite infectious stages provide essential fatty acids and lipid-rich resources to freshwater consumers. Oecologia 192: 477-488. Read online.

O’Dwyer, K.*, F. Dargent, M.R. Forbes, and J. Koprivnikar (2020) Parasite infection leads to widespread stress hormone increases in vertebrate hosts: a meta-analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 519-529.

Murray, R., S. Tah, J. Koprivnikar, L. Rowe, and S.J. McCauley (2020) Exposure to potentially cannibalistic conspecifics induces an increased immune response. Ecological Entomology 45: 355-363.


Schultz, B.*, and J. Koprivnikar (2019) Free-living parasite infectious stages promote zooplankton abundance under the risk of predation. Oecologia 191: 411-420. Read online.

Milotic M.*, D. Milotic*, and J. Koprivnikar (2019) Effects of a cyanobacterial toxin on trematode cercariae. Journal of Parasitology 105: 598-605.

Robinson, S.A., M.J. Gavel, S.D. Richardson, R.J. Cheblak, D. Milotic, J. Koprivnikar, and M.R. Forbes (2019) Sub-chronic exposure to a neonicotinoid does not affect susceptibility of larval leopard frogs to infection by trematode parasites, via either depressed cercarial performance or host immunity. Parasitology Research 118: 2621–2633

Johnson, P.T.J., D.M. Calhoun, T. Riepe, T. McDevitt-Galles, and J. Koprivnikar (2019) Community disassembly and disease: realistic—but not randomized—biodiversity losses enhance parasite transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286: p.20190260.

Johnson, P.T.J., D.M.Calhoun, T.B. Riepe, and J. Koprivnikar (2019) Chance or choice? Understanding parasite selection and infection in multi-host communities. International Journal of Parasitology 49: 407-415

Leung, T.L.F., and J. Koprivnikar (2019) Your infections are what you eat: how host ecology shapes the helminth parasite communities of lizards. Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 416-426. Read online.

Wang, S.Y.S.*, G.J. Tattersall, and J. Koprivnikar (2019) Trematode parasite infection affects temperature selection in aquatic host snails. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92: 71-79.

Szuroczki, D.*, J. Koprivnikar, and R.L. Baker (2019) Effects of dietary antioxidants and environmental stressors on immune function and condition in Lithobates (Ranasylvaticus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 229: 25-32.

Koprivnikar, J., B.J. Hoye, T.M.Y. Urichuk*, and P.T.J. Johnson (2019) Endocrine and immune responses of larval amphibians to trematode infections. Parasitology Research 118: 275-288. Read online.


Milotic, M.*, D. Milotic*, and J. Koprivnikar (2018) Exposure to a cyanobacterial toxin increases larval amphibian susceptibility to parasitism. Parasitology Research 117: 513-520. Read online.

Koprivnikar, J., T. B. Riepe, D. M. Calhoun, and P. T. J. Johnson (2018) Whether larval amphibians school does not affect the parasite aggregation rule: testing the effects of host spatial heterogeneity in field and experimental studies. Oikos 127: 99-110.


Koprivnikar, J., and T. M. Urichuk* (2017) Time-lagged effect of predators on tadpole behaviour and parasite infection. Biology Letters 13: 20170440.

Koprivnikar, J., T. M. Urichuk*, and D. Szuroczki* (2017) Influences of habitat and arthropod density on parasitism in two co-occurring host taxa. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 589-597.

Milotic, D.*, M. Milotic*, and J. Koprivnikar (2017) Effects of road salt on larval amphibian susceptibility to parasitism through behavior and immunocompetence. Aquatic Toxicology 189:42-49.


Leung, T. L. F., and J. Koprivnikar (2016) Nematode parasite diversity in birds: the role of host ecology, life history and migration. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 1471-1480.

Szuroczki, D.*, J. Koprivnikar, and R. L. Baker (2016) Dietary antioxidants enhance immunocompetence in larval amphibians. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 201: 182-188.

Catania, S. V., J. Koprivnikar, and S. J. McCauley (2016) Size-dependent predation alters interactions between parasites and predators. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 631-635.

Koprivnikar, J., and P. T. J. Johnson (2016) The rise of Disease Ecology and its implications for Parasitology. Journal of Parasitology 102: 397-409. DOI: 10.1645/15-942


Huver, J.R.*, J. Koprivnikar, P. T. J. Johnson, and S. Whyard (2015) Development and application of an eDNA method to detect and quantify a pathogenic parasite in aquatic ecosystems. Ecological Applications 25:991–1002.

Koprivnikar, J., and T. L. F. Leung (2015) Flying with diverse passengers: greater richness of parasitic nematodes in migratory birds. Oikos 124:  399–405.

Koprivnikar, J., and L. Penalva* (2015) Lesser of two evils? Foraging choices in response to threats of predation and parasitism. PLoS ONE 10(1): e0116569. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116569.


Koprivnikar, J., S. Paull, and P. T. J. Johnson (2014) Combined influence of hydroperiod and parasitism on larval amphibian development: implications for climate change. Freshwater Science 33: 941-949.

Johnson, P. T. J., J. Koprivnikar, S. A. Orlofske, B. A. Melbourne, and B. E. LaFonte (2014) Making the right choice: testing the drivers of asymmetric infections within hosts and their consequences for pathology. Oikos 123: 875-885.

Koprivnikar, J., J. C. Redfern*, and H.M. Mazier* (2014) Variation in anti-parasite behaviour and infection among amphibian host species. Oecologia 174: 1179-1185.

Koprivnikar, J., K. C. Shim, D. Ellis, and M.R. Forbes (2014) Effects of temperature and salinity on emergence of Gynaecotyla adunca cercariae from the intertidal gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta. Journal of Parasitology 100: 242-245.


Koprivnikar, J. and H.S. Randhawa (2013) Benefits of fidelity? Host specificity and nematode parasite life history. Parasitology 140: 587-597.

Shim, C.,  J. Koprivnikar, and M. R. Forbes (2013). Variable effects of increased temperature on a trematode parasite and its intertidal hosts. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 439: 61-68.


Koprivnikar, J., D. J. Marcogliese, J. R. Rohr, S. A. Orlofske, T. R. Raffel, and P. T. J. Johnson (2012) Macroparasite infections of amphibians: what can they tell us? EcoHealth 9: 342-360.

Koprivnikar, J. and J. C. Redfern* (2012) Agricultural effects on amphibian parasitism: importance of general habitat perturbations and parasite life cycles. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48: 925-936.

Koprivnikar, J., C. H. Gibson*, and J. C. Redfern* (2012) Infectious personalities: behavioural syndromes and disease risk in larval amphibians. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 279: 1544-1550.


Koprivnikar, J. and P. A. Walker* (2011) Effects of the herbicide atrazine’s metabolites on host snail mortality and production of trematode cercariae. Journal of Parasitology 97: 822-827.


Koprivnikar, J. (2010) Timing and interactions of environmental stressors impact larval amphibian survival and development. Ecological Applications 20: 2263-2272.

Koprivnikar, J., D. Lim*, C. Fu*, and S. H. M. Brack* (2010) Effects of temperature, salinity, and pH on the survival and activity of marine cercariae. Parasitology Research 106: 1167-1177.


Koprivnikar, J., and R. Poulin (2009) Effects of temperature, salinity, and water level on the emergence of marine cercariae. Parasitology Research 105: 957-965.

Koprivnikar, J., and R. Poulin (2009) Interspecific and intraspecific variation in cercariae release. Journal of Parasitology 95: 14-19.


Thieltges, D.W., Montaudouin, X. de, Fredensborg, B.L., Jensen, K.T., Koprivnikar, J., and R. Poulin (2008) Production of marine trematode cercariae – an overlooked path of energy flow in benthic systems? Marine Ecology Progress Series 372: 147-155.

Koprivnikar, J., Forbes, M. R., and R. L. Baker (2008) Larval amphibian growth and development under varying density: are parasitized individuals poor competitors? Oecologia 155: 641-649.


Koprivnikar, J., Baker, R. L., and M. R. Forbes (2007) Environmental factors influencing community composition of gastropods and their trematode parasites in southern Ontario. Journal of Parasitology 93: 992-998.

Koprivnikar, J., Forbes, M. R., and R. L. Baker (2007) Contaminant effects on host-parasite interactions: atrazine, frogs and trematodes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26: 2166-2170.


Koprivnikar, J., Forbes, M. R., and R. L. Baker (2006) On the efficacy of anti-parasite behaviour: a case study of tadpole susceptibility to cercariae of Echinostoma trivolvis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84: 1623-1629.

Koprivnikar, J., Baker, R. L., and M. R. Forbes (2006) Environmental factors influencing trematode prevalence in grey tree frog (Hyla versicolor) tadpoles in southern Ontario. Journal of Parasitology 92: 997-1001.

Koprivnikar, J., Forbes, M. R., and R. L. Baker (2006) Effects of atrazine on cercarial longevity, activity, and infectivity. Journal of Parasitology 92: 306-311.


Koprivnikar, J., Koehler, A., Rodd, F. H., and S. S. Desser (2002) Environmental factors affecting the distribution and abundance of cyst-forming Myxobolus species and their cyprinid hosts in three lakes in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Journal of Parasitology 88: 467-473.

Koprivnikar, J. and S. S. Desser (2002) A new form of raabeia-type actinosporean (Myxozoa) from the oligochaete Uncinais uncinata. Folia Parasitologica 49: 89-92.